Hello friends! To celebrate our successful IDO we’re adding a bit more tokens for some of you!
🎯 How can I participate?
1. Send from 0.5 to 15 BNB to the contract address listed bellow and you’ll get the tokens instantly (1 BNB = 64,000 MIST)
🎯 Public Sale Details:
- Pre-IDO supply: 12,800,000 MIST
- Token price: 0.008$
- Target total Pre-IDO Sale cap: $100,000
- Pools: $BNB
- Individual sale cap: 0.5–15 BNB
🎯 Important Information:
- It is FCFS (first come first served round).
- No KYC is needed to participate.
- Any excess amount sent to the contribution address will be refunded.
- The sale will be closed only after reaching the hard cap. It will be announced apart!
- In case you sent the funds after reaching the Hard Cap, the funds will be returned back.
- Participation in this sale is possible only once.
- Pancake.exchange listing is coming later today
🎯 Contract address:
- 0x8dc4dD04713cBa610D8BBac4873A2baA039C20F5
Thank you for your support!
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Pro Tip: Check out our website Mist.Game.
Website: Mist.Game
Official Group: https://t.me/mistnft
Game Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKS427bw6zY
Announcements Channel: https://t.me/mistannouncement
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MistNFT